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Ever wondered how gcamreport operates under the hood? Whether you’re looking to contribute, customize, or simply satisfy your curiosity, let’s dive into the mechanics of this package.

Key Concepts

  • gcamreport is an R package designed to standardize outputs from GCAM. While its core functionality supports all GCAM versions, the mappings must be tailored to each version.
  • Package Structure
    • Data Storage: Located in gcamreport/inst/extdata.
    • Codebase: Found in gcamreport/R.
      • Codebase to run the package: Found in gcamreport/R/main.R.
      • Codebase to compute each standardized variable: Found in gcamreport/R/functions.R.


1. Running the Report

The user calls the generate_report function, specifying at least:

  • A project or database.
  • The variables to standardize.
  • The GCAM version.

2. Identifying Required Internal Variables

The package determines which internal variables must be computed to generate the desired output. This is done by examining the Variable and Internal_Variable columns in: gcamreport/inst/extdata/template/GCAMversion/common-definitions-template.xlsx (Variable sheet).

3. Determining Necessary Queries

If the specified project needs to be created from the database, the package identifies the required queries by:

  • Recursively searching the Name column in gcamreport/inst/extdata/mappings/GCAMversion/variables_functions_mapping.csv, which corresponds to previously identified Internal_Variable s.
  • Extracting relevant queries from the Queries column.
  • Resolving dependencies: Some variables depend on others (listed in the dependencies column), meaning their queries and dependencies must also be considered.

4. Loading or Creating the Project

If the project already exists, it is loaded. Otherwise, a new project is created, including all required queries.

5. Selecting Standardized Variables

The package recursively identifies the required queries:

  • By searching the Fun column in gcamreport/inst/extdata/mappings/GCAMversion/variables_functions_mapping.csv, which corresponds to the function to compute the previously identified Internal_Variable s.
  • It attempts to compute each variable one by one.
  • If a variable depends on a previously uncomputed variable, that variable is calculated first. This process may require additional variables to be loaded recursively.

6. Computing Standardized Variables

Once a variable is identified as required, gcamreport systematically computes it by following a structured workflow:

  • Function Trigger - The package determines which function to use based on the previous point. All functions are defined in gcamreport/R/functions.R.
  • Query Verification – Before proceeding, the function ensures that all required queries for computation are present. If any are missing, the process halts.
  • Query Loading and Validation – The function loads the necessary queries (if needed) and checks for infinite values. If any are detected, a warning message is displayed.
  • Loading Mapping Files – The package retrieves mapping files stored in gcamreport/inst/extdata/mappings/GCAMversion/. During this step:
    • Items categorized as NoReported are removed.
    • Items specified in the ignore parameter of generate_report are also excluded.
  • Variable Computation – The function executes the required transformations to generate the standardized variable.
  • Storing and Sharing – Finally, the computed standardized variable is made available in the global environment for further use.

7. Computing Global (World) Values

For variables where the global value is the sum of regional values, this step is performed after regional calculations. For other cases (e.g., weighted means), the global value is computed within the variable’s calculation process.

8. Checking NAs or Inf values

The package automatically reports if there are NAs or infinite values in the standardized output. It displays an informative message.

9. Finalizing the Report

The standardized dataset is stored. If selected by the user, the user interface is launched for further exploration.