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In this tutorial, we will modify some of the pre-build mappings of the gcamreport package. It is necessary to have the gcamreport package installed either through the full R installation or Docker


Example 1: step-by-step to add a new mapping item - AvocadoSeeds and AvocadoSeedsTrees

In this example, we assume that the GCAM version has a more detailed land-food system and reports a new food item called AvocadoSeeds and a new land-leaf called AvocadoSeedsTrees. Thus, we need to modify gcamreport to include these items in the reporting dataset. In this example, the new items add to the final cropland area and several pollutant emissions, but do not have their own category in the template.

  1. Follow either the full R installation or the Docker installation

  2. Open the gcamreport.Rproj.

  3. To modify the mappings, it is best to relay on some similar item that is already present in the mappings. In this case, we relay on NutsSeeds and NutsSeedsTree. To see where the mapping modifications should be performed, search across all files (Ctrl + Shift + F) inside inst/extdata/mappings for the key words NutsSeeds and NutsSeedsTree.

  4. Using the previous point method, we can see that we should add some lines to the following files stored in inst/extdata/mappings:

    1. ag_prices_map.csv. Add this line:
    1. Kyotogas_sector.csv. Add these lines:
    CH4,AWB,AvocadoTrees,Emissions|Kyoto Gases,Emissions|Kyoto Gases|AFOLU,,,,,,,,,1
    N2O,AGR,AvocadoTrees,Emissions|Kyoto Gases,Emissions|Kyoto Gases|AFOLU,,,,,,,,,1
    N2O,AWB,AvocadoTrees,Emissions|Kyoto Gases,Emissions|Kyoto Gases|AFOLU,,,,,,,,,1
    1. land_use_map.csv. Add these line
    AvocadoTrees,Land Cover,Land Cover|Cropland,,,,,,,0.1
    AvocadoTreesTree,Land Cover,Land Cover|Cropland,,,,,,,0.1
    1. nonCO2_emissions_sector_map.csv. Add these lines
  5. Modify the query file (if necessary, as is in this example). To do it, copy the default query file located at inst/extdata/queries/queries_gcamreport_gcam7.0_general.xml and add these lines in the aggregated land allocation query.

    <rewrite from="AvocadoSeeds" to="crops" />
    <rewrite from="AvocadoSeedsTree" to="crops" />

    To use it when standardizing your GCAM output, run the generate_report function specifying the new query file path:

    generate_report(..., queries_general_file = "path/to/your/new_queries_general_file.xml")

Another way to modify the query file is to update the default query file directly. To do this, open the default query file located at inst/extdata/queries/queries_gcamreport_gcam7.0_general.xml and add the necessary lines. The next step (step 6) will embed the new version of the query file into the package. With this method, it is no longer necessary to specify the query file path, as it will be your default general query file.

  1. Update the pre-build mappings:

    1. Run the file inst/extdata/saveDataFiles.R.

    2. Build the document file: press Ctrl + Shift + D or click to Build > More > Document.

    3. Install the modified package: Build > Install.

  2. Do not forget to push the changes to your branch and tag the new version to allow reproducibility and reusability!! :)

Note: If you want to install this gcamreport version into other devices, indicate the tag or branch name when cloning the repository, for instance:

# to clone the tagged version "v6.0.1":
git clone --branch v6.0.1 --single-branch

# to clone the branch version "gcam-v6.0":
git clone --branch gcam-v6.0

or when installing through Rstudio, for instance:

# to install the tagged version "v6.0.1"

# to install the branch version "gcam-v6.0"


Example 2: step-by-step to add/modify a template item - Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|Bicycling and Walking

In this example, we assume that the GCAM version has a more detailed energy transportation freight service that considers Bicycling and Walking. We want to include this in the report as a new item: Energy Service|Transportation|Passenger|Bicycling and Walking. To do it, we need to modify the reporting template.

  1. Follow either the full R installation or the Docker installation

  2. Open the gcamreport.Rproj.

  3. To modify the reporting template, it is best to relay on some similar item that is already present in the mappings. In this case, we relay on Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|Road. To see where the reporting template modifications should be performed, open the reporting template file (inst/extdata/template/reporting_template.csv) and search (Ctrl + F) for the key words Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|Road.

  4. Using the previous point method, we can see that we should add one line to the reporting template:

    "GCAM 7.0","Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|Bicycling and Walking","billion pkm/yr","energy_service_transportation_clean"

    It contains the following columns: GCAM version, item name, units, and internal variable storing its value.

  5. Update the pre-build reporting template:

    1. Run the file inst/extdata/saveDataFiles.R.

    2. Build the document file: press Ctrl + Shift + D or click to Build > More > Document.

    3. Install the modified package: Build > Install.

  6. Do not forget to push the changes to your branch and tag the new version to allow reproducibility and reusability!! :)

Note: If you want to install this gcamreport version into other devices, indicate the tag or branch name when cloning the repository, for instance:

# to clone the tagged version "v6.0.1":
git clone --branch v6.0.1 --single-branch

# to clone the branch version "gcam-v6.0":
git clone --branch gcam-v6.0

or when installing through Rstudio, for instance:

# to install the tagged version "v6.0.1"

# to install the branch version "gcam-v6.0"