Main function for generating a GCAM project report. This function handles: - Creating or loading a GCAM project. - Standardizing the data and saving it in RData, CSV, and XLSX formats. - Running vetting verifications. - Launching the User Interface (UI).
db_path = NULL,
db_name = NULL,
scenarios = NULL,
final_year = 2100,
desired_variables = "All",
ignore = NULL,
desired_regions = "All",
desired_continents = "All",
save_output = TRUE,
output_file = NULL,
launch_ui = TRUE,
GCAM_version = "v7.1",
GWP_version = "AR5",
queries_general_file = NULL,
queries_nonCO2_file = NULL
- db_path
Full path to the GCAM database. Required if creating a new project.
- db_name
Name of the GCAM database. Required if creating a new project.
- prj_name
Name of the GCAM project. Can be an existing project name (loads the project) or a new project name (creates a new project). Accepts extensions: .dat and .proj.
- scenarios
Names of the scenarios to consider. Defaults to all scenarios in the project or database.
- final_year
Final year of the data. Defaults to 2100. Note: `final_year` must be at least 2025 and must align with available 5-year intervals, such as 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, etc.
- desired_variables
Variables to include in the report. Defaults to 'All'. Specify a vector for specific variables. To view available options, run `available_variables()`. Note: Global variables like "Emissions" will only account for selected variables. E.g., if you select "Emissions" and "Emissions|CO2", "Emissions" will only account for "Emissions|CO2", and will not account for other variables such as "Emissions|CH4" or "Emissions|NH3".
- ignore
Policy names introduced by the user to ignore during gcamreport processing of physical quantities, since otherwise they will be flagged as names missing from mapping files and cause an error. Note: Currently having one of the specified name patterns in any column of the query results, such as sector, subsector, input, etc. will cause the error to be disregarded. Same behavior than adding the policy names to the corresponding mappings indicating `NoReported`.
- desired_regions
Regions to include in the report. Defaults to 'All'. Specify a vector for specific regions. To view available options, run `available_regions()`. Note: The dataset will include only the specified regions, which will make up "World".
- desired_continents
Continent/region groups to include in the report. Defaults to 'All'. Specify a vector for specific groups. To view available options, run `available_continents()`. Note: The dataset will include only the specified groups, which will make up "World".
- save_output
If `TRUE` (default), saves reporting data in CSV and XLSX formats. If `FALSE`, data is not saved. If 'CSV' or 'XLSX', data will be saved only in the specified format.
- output_file
File path and name for saving the data. If not specified, defaults to the directory of the database or project file with a default name containing 'standardized'. Provide a full path without an extension, which will be automatically added.
- launch_ui
If `TRUE` (default), launches the User Interface. If `FALSE`, does not launch the UI.
- GCAM_version
Main GCAM compatible version: 'v7.1' (default), 'v7.2', 'v7.0', or 'v6.0'.
- GWP_version
Global Warming Potential (GWP) version: 'AR5' (default), 'AR6', or 'AR4'.
- queries_general_file
Optional. Full path to a general XML query file (including file name and extension). Defaults to a general query file compatible with the specified `GCAM_version` that reports all standardized variables.
- queries_nonCO2_file
Optional. Full path to an XML query file (including file name and extension) for non-CO2 queries, such as "nonCO2 emissions by sector (excluding resource production)" and "nonCO2 emissions by region". Defaults to a non-CO2 query file compatible with the specified `GCAM_version`.
Saves RData, CSV, and XLSX files with standardized variables, launches the user interface, and saves the GCAM project file if created.
You can specify the regions and/or variables to be reported and provide: - Either `db_path`, `db_name`, `prj_name`, and `scenarios` to create a new project and generate the report. - Or `prj_name` and `scenarios` to produce a report from an existing project.
The resulting RData output can be used to manually call `launch_gcamreport_ui`.