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The gcamreport package standardizes variables for reporting, which facilitates multi-model comparison projects. It follows the naming conventions, definitions, and units established by the openentrance project, ensuring consistency across models. To compute global values for reported variables, the package applies different methodologies based on the characteristics of each variable. Below, you’ll find a detailed list of all reported variables and their respective computational procedures. In the standardized datasets, these global values are categorized under the ``World’’ region.

Reported variable World value computational procedure
Agricultural Demand Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Crops Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Crops|Energy Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Crops|Feed Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Crops|Food Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Crops|Other Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Livestock Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Livestock|Food Sum of regional values
Agricultural Demand|Livestock|Other Sum of regional values
Agricultural Production Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Biomass Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Coal Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Gas Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Geothermal Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Nuclear Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Oil Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Oil|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Oil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Solar Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Solar|CSP Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Solar|PV Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Wind Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Wind|Offshore Sum of regional values
Capacity Additions|Electricity|Wind|Onshore Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Biomass Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Coal Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Gas Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Geothermal Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Hydro Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Nuclear Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Oil Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Oil|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Oil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Solar Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Solar|CSP Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Solar|PV Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Wind Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Wind|Offshore Sum of regional values
Capacity|Electricity|Wind|Onshore Sum of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Geothermal Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Nuclear Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Solar|CSP Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Solar|PV Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Wind|Offshore Mean of regional values
Capital Cost|Electricity|Wind|Onshore Mean of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Biomass Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Biomass|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Biomass|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Biomass|Energy|Supply|Electricity Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Biomass|Energy|Supply|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Biomass|Energy|Supply|Liquids Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Fossil Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Fossil|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Fossil|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Fossil|Energy|Supply|Electricity Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Fossil|Energy|Supply|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Fossil|Energy|Supply|Liquids Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|CCS|Industrial Processes Sum of regional values
Carbon Sequestration|Direct Air Capture Sum of regional values
Concentration|CO2 Global value
Emissions|BC Sum of regional values
Emissions|BC|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|BC|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|BC|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|BC|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|BC|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|BC|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|C2F6 Sum of regional values
Emissions|CF4 Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4 Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|CH4|Other Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2 Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy and Industrial Processes Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|AFOFI Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Cement Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Chemicals Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Chemicals|Ammonia Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Non-ferrous metals Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Other Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Industry|Steel Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial|Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial|Residential Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Transportation|Freight Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Transportation|Passenger Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Supply|Electricity Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Supply|Gases Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Supply|Heat Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Supply|Liquids Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Energy|Supply|Solids Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Industrial Processes Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Other Removal Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Other Removal|DACCS Sum of regional values
Emissions|CO2|Other Sum of regional values
Emissions|F-Gases Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC|HFC125 Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC|HFC134a Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC|HFC143a Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC|HFC227ea Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC|HFC23 Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC|HFC245fa Sum of regional values
Emissions|HFC|HFC32 Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Industry|Cement Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Industry|Chemicals Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Industry|Non-Ferrous Metals Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Industry|Iron and Steel Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Industry|Other Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Demand|Other Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Supply|Other Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Energy|Supply|Electricity Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Industrial Processes Sum of regional values
Emissions|Kyoto Gases|Other Sum of regional values
Emissions|N2O Sum of regional values
Emissions|N2O|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|N2O|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|N2O|Other Sum of regional values
Emissions|NH3 Sum of regional values
Emissions|NH3|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|NH3|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|NH3|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|NH3|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|NH3|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|NH3|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|NOx Sum of regional values
Emissions|NOx|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|NOx|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|NOx|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|NOx|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|NOx|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|NOx|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|OC Sum of regional values
Emissions|OC|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|OC|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|OC|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|OC|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|OC|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|OC|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|PFC Sum of regional values
Emissions|SF6 Sum of regional values
Emissions|Sulfur Sum of regional values
Emissions|Sulfur|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|Sulfur|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|Sulfur|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|Sulfur|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|Sulfur|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|Sulfur|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Emissions|VOC Sum of regional values
Emissions|VOC|AFOLU Sum of regional values
Emissions|VOC|Energy Sum of regional values
Emissions|VOC|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Emissions|VOC|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Emissions|VOC|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Emissions|VOC|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Residential and Commercial|Floor Space Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Floor Space Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Freight Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|International Shipping Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|Navigation Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|Railways Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Freight|Road Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Passenger Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Passenger|Aviation Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Passenger|Bicycling and Walking Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Passenger|Railways Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Passenger|Road Sum of regional values
Energy Service|Transportation|Passenger|Road|LDV Sum of regional values
Export|Industry|Steel|Value Sum of regional values
Final Energy Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Heat Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Cement Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Cement|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Cement|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Ammonia Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Ammonia|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Ammonia|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Ammonia|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Heat Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Solids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Solids|Bioenergy Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Chemicals|Solids|Fossil Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Heat Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Non-ferrous metals Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Non-ferrous metals|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Non-ferrous metals|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Non-ferrous metals|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Non-ferrous metals|Solids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Non-ferrous metals|Solids|Bioenergy Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Non-ferrous metals|Solids|Fossil Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Solids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Solids|Biomass Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Solids|Coal Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Steel Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Steel|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Steel|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Steel|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Steel|Solids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Steel|Solids|Bioenergy Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Industry|Steel|Solids|Fossil Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Non-Energy Use Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Non-Energy Use|Biomass Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Non-Energy Use|Coal Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Non-Energy Use|Gas Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Non-Energy Use|Oil Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Other Sector Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Other Sector|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Cooling Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Heat Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Heating|Space Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Solids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Solids|Biomass Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Commercial|Solids|Coal Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Cooling Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Heat Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Heating|Space Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Cooling Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Heat Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Heating|Space Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Residential|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Solids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Solids|Biomass Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Residential and Commercial|Solids|Coal Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Solids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Solids|Biomass Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Solids|Coal Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Aviation Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Aviation|Passenger Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Freight Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Freight|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Freight|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Freight|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Freight|Other Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Maritime Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Maritime|Freight Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Other Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Passenger Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Passenger|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Passenger|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Passenger|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Passenger|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Rail Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Rail|Freight Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Rail|Passenger Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road|Freight Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road|Freight|Electric Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road|Freight|FC Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road|Passenger Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road|Passenger|2W&3W Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road|Passenger|Bus Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Transportation|Road|Passenger|4W Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Desalination Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Desalination|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Desalination|Gases Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Desalination|Liquids Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Industry Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Industry|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Irrigation Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Irrigation|Electricity Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Municipal Sum of regional values
Final Energy|Water|Municipal|Electricity Sum of regional values
Forcing Global value
GDP|MER Sum of regional values
GDP|PPP Sum of regional values
Import|Industry|Steel|Value Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|CO2 Transport and Storage Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Biomass Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Coal Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Gas Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Geothermal Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Hydro Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Non-Biomass Renewables Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Nuclear Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Oil Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Oil|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Oil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Solar Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Transmission and Distribution Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Electricity|Wind Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Extraction|Coal Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Extraction|Fossil Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Extraction|Gas Sum of regional values
Investment|Energy Supply|Extraction|Oil Sum of regional values
Land Cover Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Built-up Area Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Cropland Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Cropland|Energy Crops Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Forest Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Forest|Managed Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Forest|Natural Forest Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Other Land Sum of regional values
Land Cover|Pasture Sum of regional values
Population Sum of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Index Weighted sum of regional values by commodity
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Corn|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|FiberCrop|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Fruits|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Legumes|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|MiscCrop|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|NutsSeeds|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|OilCrop|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|OilPalm|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|OtherGrain|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Rice|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|RootTuber|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Soybean|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|SugarCrop|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Vegetables|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Food|Wheat|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Feed|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Energy|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Crops|Other|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Livestock|Food|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Livestock|Food|Beef|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Livestock|Food|Dairy|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Livestock|Food|Pork|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Livestock|Food|Poultry|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Livestock|Food|SheepGoat|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Agriculture|Livestock|Other|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Carbon Weighted sum of regional values by CO2 emissions
Price|Carbon|Energy Sum of regional values
Price|Carbon|Energy|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Price|Carbon|Energy|Demand|Residential and Commercial Sum of regional values
Price|Carbon|Energy|Demand|Transportation Sum of regional values
Price|Carbon|Energy|Supply Sum of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Electricity Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Electricity|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Gases|Gas Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Gases|Gas|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Liquids Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Solids Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Solids|Biomass Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Buildings|Residential|Solids|Coal Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Industry Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Industry|Electricity Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Industry|Gases Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Industry|Liquids Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Industry|Solids Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Industry|Solids|Biomass Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Industry|Solids|Coal Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Transportation Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Transportation|Electricity Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Transportation|Gases Mean of regional values
Price|Final Energy|Transportation|Liquids Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Biomass Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Biomass|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Coal Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Coal|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Gas Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Gas|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Oil Mean of regional values
Price|Primary Energy|Oil|Index Mean of regional values
Price|Secondary Energy Mean of regional values
Price|Secondary Energy|Electricity Mean of regional values
Price|Secondary Energy|Electricity|Index Mean of regional values
Primary Energy Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Biomass Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Biomass|1st Generation Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Biomass|Modern Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Coal Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Coal|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Coal|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Fossil Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Fossil|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Fossil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Gas Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Gas|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Gas|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Non-Biomass Renewables Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Non-Biomass Renewables|Geothermal Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Non-Biomass Renewables|Hydro Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Non-Biomass Renewables|Solar Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Non-Biomass Renewables|Wind Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Nuclear Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Oil Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Oil|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Oil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Primary Energy|Secondary Energy Trade Sum of regional values
Production|Cement Sum of regional values
Production|Non-ferrous metals Sum of regional values
Production|Steel Sum of regional values
Revenue|Government|Tax|Carbon Sum of regional values
Revenue|Government|Tax|Carbon|Demand|Buildings Sum of regional values
Revenue|Government|Tax|Carbon|Demand|Industry Sum of regional values
Revenue|Government|Tax|Carbon|Demand|Transport Sum of regional values
Revenue|Government|Tax|Carbon|Supply Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Geothermal Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydro Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Non-Biomass Renewables Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Nuclear Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Oil Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Oil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar|CSP Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar|PV Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind|Offshore Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind|Onshore Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Gases Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Gases|Biomass Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Gases|Coal Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Gases|Natural Gas Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Biomass Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Biomass|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Biomass|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Coal Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Coal|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Electricity Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Fossil Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Fossil|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Fossil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Gas Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Gas|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Gas|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Biomass Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Biomass|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Biomass|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Coal Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Coal|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Coal|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Fossil Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Fossil|w/ CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Fossil|w/o CCS Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Gas Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Liquids|Oil Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Solids Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Solids|Biomass Sum of regional values
Secondary Energy|Solids|Coal Sum of regional values
Temperature|Global Mean Global value
Trade|Primary Energy|Coal|Volume Sum of regional values
Trade|Primary Energy|Gas|Volume Sum of regional values
Trade|Primary Energy|Oil|Volume Sum of regional values