Creates and loads a specified GCAM project into the global environment.
scenarios = NULL,
desired_regions = "All",
desired_variables = "All",
GCAM_version = "v7.1",
queries_general_file = NULL,
queries_nonCO2_file = NULL
- db_path
Optional. Full path to the GCAM database. Required if creating a new project.
- db_name
Optional. Name of the GCAM database. Required if creating a new project.
- prj_name
Name of the GCAM project. Can be an existing project name (loads the project) or a new project name (creates a new project). Accepts extensions: .dat and .proj.
- scenarios
Names of the scenarios to include. Defaults to all scenarios available in the project or database.
- desired_regions
Regions to include in the report. Defaults to 'All'. Specify a vector for specific regions. To view available options, run `available_regions()`. Note: The dataset will include only the specified regions, forming the "World" for the project.
- desired_variables
Variables to include in the report. Defaults to 'All'. Specify a vector for specific variables. To view available options, run `available_variables()`. Note: Global variables like "Emissions" will only account for selected variables. For example, selecting "Emissions" and "Emissions|CO2" will make "Emissions" account only for "Emissions|CO2", excluding other variables such as "Emissions|CH4" or "Emissions|NH3".
- GCAM_version
Main GCAM compatible version: 'v7.1' (default), 'v7.2', 'v7.0', or 'v6.0'.
- queries_general_file
Optional. Full path to a general XML query file (including file name and extension). Defaults to a general query file compatible with the specified `GCAM_version` that reports all standardized variables.
- queries_nonCO2_file
Optional. Full path to an XML query file (including file name and extension) for non-CO2 queries, such as "nonCO2 emissions by sector (excluding resource production)" and "nonCO2 emissions by region". Defaults to a non-CO2 query file compatible with the specified `GCAM_version`.