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Loads a specified GCAM project into the global environment.


load_project(project_path, desired_regions = "All", scenarios = NULL)



Full path to the GCAM project file, including the project name and extension (e.g., .dat, .proj). This file is loaded into the global environment.


Regions to include in the project data. Defaults to 'All'. Specify a vector to include specific regions. To view available regions, run `available_regions()`. Note: Only the specified regions will be included in the dataset, forming the "World" for the project.


Names of the scenarios to consider from the project. Defaults to all scenarios available within the project. If specific scenarios are needed, provide a vector of scenario names.


The function loads the specified GCAM project into the global environment. It does not return a value, but the project data becomes available for use in further analysis or reporting.


This function imports a GCAM project from the specified path and makes it available in the global environment.